* Australian Cattle Dog * Bohemian shepherd dog / Chodsky pes * Schipperke * Meği *
There were born 1 male and 6 females on 19th January, 2016 (all blue) from the following combination:
Sawdust´s Let´s Burn Rubber
BAER normal
scissors bite, full dentination
HD: A, ED: 0
DNA PRA -Normal (optigen)
RTG spine - free
DNA profiled
German Junior Champion (VDH)
VDH-Europa -Jugendsieger 2013
Herbst-Jugendsieger Dortmund 2013
Herbstsieger Dortmund 2014 + BOB
Uaroo Blue Cidabro "KERRY"
BAER normal
scissors bite, full dentination
HD: A, ED: 0
Czech Junior Champion
Czech Champion
CZ Club Junior Champion
CZ Club Junior Winner 2012
CZ Club Winner + BOB 2013
CZ Speciality show Winner 2014
Bundessieger Austria 2013 etc.

More photos of Rubber:

Export Germany

BAER normal, HD B1, ED 0, DISH free, DOV free (6/2017)
German Junior Champion VDH

BAER ok, HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, OCD neg., Spodyloza 0, DNA-PRA: N/N, DNA-PLL: N/N

BAER ok, HD: A/A, ED: 0/0

BAER normal, DNA-PRA: N/N, DNA-PLL: N/N, HD: B/B, ED: 0/0
Export Poland

BAER normal

BAER normal, HD: A, ED: 0, Spondylosa/DISH neg., DNA PRA: N/N
Export Sweden

BAER ok, HD: A/A, ED: 0/0, DNA.PRA Normal (Optigen)
Swedish Junior Winner 2016